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  • December 2024: The paper by Dr. Cheung at the PNNL," Potential Quantum Advantage for Simulation of Fluid Dynamics", was accepted by Physical Review Research!

  • December 2024: The paper by Dr. Cheung at the PNNL," Improved Enzyme Functional Annotation Prediction Using Contrastive Learning with Structural Inference", was accepted by Communications Biology!

  • October 2024: Cheung group welcomes UW Physics major Jacob Haseley!

  • September 2024: Dr. Cheung accepted an Associate Editor position for Protein Science.

  • July 2024: Cheung Group welcomes Nicholas Baker as an NSF REU Participant!

  • March 2024: Jules defended his Ph.D. thesis (Physics)! Congratulations!

  • January 2024: Cheung group welcomes UW Comprehensive Physics major Malio Nelson!

  • January 2024: Jules received a Best Poster Presentation Award at the 2024 Gordon Research Conference Protein Folding Dynamics meeting. Congratulations!

  • December 2023: Jules received a 2024 Travel Award to present his research at the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting. Congratulations!

  • June 2023: The Cheung group welcomes Research Interns Eve Johnson, Fardowsa Douled, Jesse Fichman (DOE CCI), and Arsam Firoozfar (DOE SULI) for summer research! Welcome!

  • May 2023: Jules has received a travel award from the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy to present his research during the Workshop on Signatures of Nonequilibrium Fluctuations in Life, from May 15 through May 19, 2023. Jules also received the UW Graduate Student Conference Presentation Awards, which will support him in presenting his published work there. Congrats!

  • December 2022: The paper by Dr. Cheung at the PNNL,"Graph Identification of Proteins in Tomograms", was accepted by Protein Science!

  • December 2022: Dr. Liman has accepted a job offer from the Ernest & Young as Consultant. Congratulations!

  • November 2022: Jules Nde was selected to present his research at the NSF-funded Center for Physics of Biological Function Symposium at CUNY on Nov 11. Congratulations!

  • October 2022: James Liman has successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis! Congratulations! Dr. Liman!

  • July 2022: Dr. Cheung received an NSF award to support the research on "Emergent protein assemblies in cells" at UW!

  • June 2022: Dr. Cheung welcomed DOE CCI trainee Arsam Firoozfar and UW Physics grad student Jiayi Wang for summer research. Welcome!

  • June 2022: Dr. Cheung was awarded UW LSAMP Faculty of the year (2021-2022)!

  • June 2022: Paper by Atrayee and Andrei, “Effects of protein crowders and charge on the folding of superoxide dismutase 1 variants: a computational study”, was accepted by J. Phys. Chem. B! Congratulations!

  • March 2022: Paper by James and CTPers, “A generalized Flory-Stockmayer kinetic theory of connectivity percolation and rigidity percolation of cytoskeletal network” was accepted by PoLS Comp. Biol. Congratulations!

  • February 2022: Jacob has accepted a job offer from the National Security Agency as a Research Scientist. Congratulations!

  • January 2022: Jacob's first-author paper, "Correlating interfacial charge transfer rates with interfacial molecular structure in the tetraphenyldibenzoperiflanthene/C70 organic photovoltaic system" was accepted by JPC Letters. Congratulations!

  • November 2021: The Cheung group welcomes graduate student Yasmene Wang Elhady from UW!

  • October 2021: Jacob defended his thesis research, "Structure-Function Relations Underlying Interfacial Charge Transfer In Organic Photovoltaic Systems". Congratulations! Dr. Tinnin!

  • October 2021: Chengxuan's first paper, also the Cheung Group's first Machine Learning paper, was accepted by the Journal of Physical Chemistry. B! Congratulations!

  • July 2021: Andrei and Atrayee's paper, "Understanding protein complex assembly through grand canonical maximum entropy modeling”, was accepted by Physical Review Journal's newest journal, Physical Rev. Research! Congratulations!

  • July 2021: Jules' paper entitled, "Coarse-grained modeling and molecular dynamics simulations of Ca2+-calmodulin”, was accepted by Frontiers in Molecular Sciences! Congratulations! 

  • May 2021: Jacob's paper entitled, "CTRAMER: software for calculating charge-transfer-rate constants with condensed-phase effects” was accepted by  J. Chem. Phys.! Congratulations!

  • Mar 2021: Congratulations to James, Chengxuan, and Jules on receiving a 2021 APS DBIO Student Travel award! 

  • Dec 2020: Dr. Cheung has moved to the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and received a joint appointment as a Faculty Fellow of Physics from the University of Washington, Seattle.

  • Dec 2020: Both Jules and Chengxuan received Student Travel Awards from the Division of Biological Physics, American Physical Society to present their research at the virtual APS March Meeting 2021! Congratulations!

  • Dec 2020: Yossi's paper entitled, "Insights from graph theory on the morphologies of actomyosin networks with multilinkers" was accepted by Physical Review E! Congratulations!

  • Oct 2020: Andrei has defended his Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Gasic!

  • Sept 2020: Yossi has defended his Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Eliaz!

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